
Polygraph examination in personal affairs

Customized polygraph examination


Usually, people resort to polygraph examination during personal, (e.g. marital) or professional crises, when one tries to prove one's claims or is asked to do so by one's employer, relative life partner, etc. On such occasion, since this person feels the outcome will significantly affect one's  life, he or she more than just a standard examination, but requires a more personal touch.

We, Gazit Polygraph Institute, even after all the tens of thousands of  polygraph examinations we've conducted, know that an examination deeply affects the entire life of the examinee and everyone concerned by the matter in question. Therefore, we tailor our examination to fit each individual and each case. 

First, we ask the future examinee to submit all related materials, such as letters or legal claims statements, or at least a brief oral description of the case. Then, our specialist talk with the future examinee, asking him to present his version and address the opposing side's arguments. It is only after this conversation that we phrase the questions to be asked during the examination, based on the examinee's version. Our polygraph examiner makes sure the examinee understands the questions and can answer them with either "yes" or "no". Then, we address these questions to the examinee, several times, while he is connected to a polygraph. Once the examination is over, we analyze the results and submit our findings to the customer the next day.

To get an explanation about the polygraph examination and to order a customized examination, please call Gazit Polygraph Institute.